Monday, February 22, 2010

‘[F- -k] ‘em’ to Religious Right

GLSEN Founder and Obama Education Appointee Kevin Jennings Said ‘[F- -k] ‘em’ to Religious Right — in a Church

President Obama has appointed Kevin Jennings, founder of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) — which sponsored the conference that produced the notorious “Fistgate” scandal (in which young teens were guided on how to perform homosexual perversions including “fisting”) — to head up “Safe Schools” efforts at the Department of Education. Jennings once said “[F--k] ‘em” to the “Religious Right.” He supports promoting homosexuality and gender confusion as normative to even young students.  He made that comment in a New York City church. 

You can find webposts of "The little black book". One such post had this warning at the top of the page: "(Caution: extremely gross and disgusting. We debated posting this in unedited form; we did so because it was given to schoolchildren in a public school, written with public money. Unfortunately, it's necessary that the public see it.)" 

Here is a
statement by a medical doctor in response to "The Little Black Book" whereby you can get information without having to look at it personally.

Here is a little more info on this topic: