Monday, February 22, 2010

What is a "Stupid Christian"

While reading an article in a free "newspaper", giving free "marriage advice", the author began by listing her here-to-for starting basis for seeking a spouse. Among her list included the category of "stupid Christian trying to obey God."

As I started through the suggestions of this young person's propositions, (yes, writing can expose one's age), it was quite obvious, within a line or so that this person knew nothing about marriage, and has never bothered to pick up a Bible. Therefore, her "reporting" of what "Christianity" or "obeying God" means is derived from her "feelings" and conjecture, and not based on the myriad of available texts and experts. Since an abundance of theological resources are free and valid experts do not charge any fee for inquiry, what, pray tell, can this type of schlock journalism be attributed too?  She had no idea that her list of snares are things stupid people, "Christian" or worldly, are often fooled by because they haven't read the Bible. Obedient Christians are less likely to be fooled by the snares she listed because they do read the Bible and can "smell a trap a mile away".

It is amazing that one who has absolutely no knowledge of a group of people, or what they believe, while claiming themselves to be "tolerant",  feels free to be intolerant based on their emotions. Feigning expertise and authority, they publish advice that could prove harmful to others. They fight tooth and nail to defend an opinion devoid of accountability to facts. An entire generation has been taught,  life-changing (or life-destroying) decisions are based on "feelings" and that they have no accountability to facts. Reality teaches quite the opposite.

As Cicero famously said, you have no choice between having a philosophy and not having one, only between having a good one and having a bad one. Reality will tell you the same thing about religion; we all worship something.

In our pluralistic society, this author in the US, is free to claim the Bible provides no objective truth, that anyone who adheres to the Bible and accountability to facts is "stupid". But note the one big difference in that author's advice and the Bible's advice... the author of that article, a person posing as a reliable sage and authority figure, is not "God". How is a Christian suppose to be able to minister to others on how to discern good from bad in the barrage of advice and attitudes out there unless they read their Bible; the entire thing. ...They can't.

Every person who claims the title of "Christian" must know this. How tragic it is to see a person come to profess the God of the Bible and not take up the full council of His Word, so they can live it out. If they don't, they are exactly what this author described in the beginning of her article, ..."stupid"

"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." - Colossians 2:8

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." - Psalm 119:11